Bridge Challenge!

Bridge Challenge!

This week in Ms. Sarah's class, we have been building bridges! We began by learning about the 4 main types of bridges: beam, truss, arch, and suspension bridges. We then learned about strong shapes (triangles) and what materials bridges can be made out of. We also looked at some famous bridges from around the world!

Using their understanding of bridges, students built bridges using popsicle sticks, toothpicks, and plasticine (some groups requested additional supplies). The bridge had to span a river with a width of 30cm! We learned that it is very difficult to build a bridge using spaghetti and marshmallows! In the future, we are hoping to build a bridge strong enough and wide enough to drive a school robot across!

Here's a look at our bridges:

- What type of bridge did your group build?
- What worked well for your group?
- What didn't work well for your group?
- What would your group do differently if presented with this challenge again?

Have a great week!


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