Welcome back to a new year and a new decade!  We are so thrilled to welcome back all Connaught students! 

Thinking ahead ten years, students shared what direction their lives will take at the end of the decade when they will be 18, 19 and 20.  It was exciting for them to imagine that they all will have graduated in 2030!

This term promises to be engaging and enriching as we explore the curriculum with guest speakers, special projects and field trips.  Throughout January and early February, each of our classes will visit Lougheed House as part of a walking field trip to explore the life of Lady Belle.  Lady Belle was the first lady of Lougheed House, wife of James Lougheed, and entertained many royal and special guests at their manor and gardens here in the Beltline. Students will use artifacts to enhance their understanding of the life of this extraordinary change maker of Alberta. Watch for volunteer opportunities from your child's teacher.

We are also engaged in exploring materials and designs for building in Science and learning more about Human Rights and the United Nations in Social Studies.  Sharing resources such as If the World Were a Village, leads to greater understanding of what constitutes human needs, wants and how these impact quality of life around the world.

Please ask your child to share their daily learning with you.  Sharing even ONE thing they liked about the day will open the door to more questions and excitement for learning. 

Thank you for your partnership with us in your chid's learning journey.

Pam Clark


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