Lougheed House trip & Lady Belle

The Lougheed House was built in 1891. At that time, Calgary was very small, it didn't have very many buildings. The population was only 100! Lady Belle advertised for Calgary and tried to get more people to move here. At the time the Lougheed House was on the outskirts of Calgary and there were no buildings around it.
Sir James and Lady Isabelle Lougheed are known for helping Calgary grow. James was knighted after World War 1 for helping Britain win the war.
Lady Belle was Metis. Metis people are people of two cultures - European and Indigenous. Lady Belle's mother was Metis, and her father was English. She spent a lot of her life hiding her Metis background because she didn't want to feel different.
Some questions you could discuss with your children...
- Why do you think Lady Belle tried to ignore her Metis ancestry?
- Why is it important to remember people like James and Isabelle Lougheed when they died so long ago?
- What was Calgary like back in 1900, and how is that different from now?
- How was Lady Belle's life similar to your life today? How was it different?

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