Welcome back to school!

Welcome back to school! We are so excited to be your grade 3/4 teachers this year.

Here are some concepts we have been engaged in our first 2 weeks together:

We have spent lots of time getting to know each other as learners and peers. Lots of circle time, class meetings, and shared experiences have helped us practice engaging in respectful and meaningful discussions. We will continue building our speaking and listening skills throughout the year in every curricular area.

In Literacy we have been exploring ideas of Identity and Home. We asked “What does HOME mean to you, and how does it make you feel?” Students have responded to this question in writing and through art. We have shared books together about this topic, including some class favourites “Home” by Carson Ellis, “Ish” by Peter Reynolds, and “Goodbye brings Hello” by Diane White. 

In Math, we are getting to know each other through graphs and data analysis. We are learning about how to represent data about our classmates and school through different types of surveys, tallies, and graphs. This year grade ¾ students will focus on collaboration, problem-solving and critical thinking in many math tasks. We began practicing these skills by getting together for math games and puzzles shared amongst all classes. 

In Physical Education we are learning and teaching each other collaborative games and practicing sportsmanship. 


Your Grade 3&4 teachers
Mrs. Clark (room 301), Ms. Hammadieh (room 302), Ms. Sinclair (room 303), Ms. Jaques (room 304), Ms. Sarah (room 305)


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